
Years ago I had a vision of myself standing on a platform preaching. All I can say about that is I ran as far as I could and did everything else I could do to avoid it but the funny thing about your destiny is that it is attached to you and no matter what you do to shake it, you can’t leave it behind.

I didn’t believe that I fit the profile of a preacher and I certainly didn’t have the patience to be a pastor at that time; and to be honest I still don’t know if I do! So I did something else, I decided I would teach in my own way and with my own style. I would write a blog about what I know and what I love and most importantly I would swag it out with my personality. That blog quickly became this podcast and the rest, as they say is history!

So what is this all about? It’s all about the things I love! Food, music, technology, sex, love, family, friends, culture and most importantly God. I am not here to bible bash you or chastise you for how you live and what you do. I am here to impart my experiences, my passion and my interpretation of scripture in a world that is highly distracted whilst being highly connected. I am here to remind you that no matter who you are, where you are, what you’ve been through or what you are going through, YOU can still experience love and joy! You can use technology to enhance your interactions with other and the world around you. You can use food, music and culture to find common ground and make new lasting connections with others.

Come and see the world through the eyes of a flawed and imperfect man! A Christian striving to be a better version of himself each day through grace. Here is the disclaimer; don’t get it twisted, I am NOT your conventional Christian! I’ve been through some things so I have no time to bite my tongue! I call a spade a spade, simple!

I am Mr Daley and this is the 'Daley Perspective'.

© Daley Perspective Network 2021 David Daley